Flexi Contejner 6m detail
Use and more detailed specifications:

Handy storage for materials and tools.
Safe space during the reconstruction of a house or company.
Used by construction companies in the implementation of industrial buildings.
Dry, clean utility space for storing furniture and home furnishings, PCs or electrical appliances throughout the year.
Suitable for storing seasonal equipment, eg: mower, mountain bike, motorcycle, skis, etc.
Description Value
External length
591 cm
Internal length
584 cm
External height
219 cm
Internal height
200 cm
Door width
200 cm
Floor load 1m2
500 kg/m2
Total weight
750 kg
Výška ve sbaleném stavu
110 cm
ANTI-Condensation - ceiling treatment - Physics and water drops
During periods of rapid temperature changes, spring and autumn, moisture condenses on the ceiling panel. The ceiling of the container is made of only one layer of sheet metal and therefore this basic law of physics cannot be avoided. All metal garages, sheds, uninsulated halls and, unfortunately, Flexi containers face this issue. vice o
Podmínky pro uložení
Podklad pro Flexi kontejner musí být rovný a zpevněný.
Precizní srovnání terénu pro uložení je základem pro hladké a snadné otevírání dveří, ale celkové užívání kontejneru.
Jako vhodná podkladová plocha je považován: beton, asfalt, recyklát, ale i zahradní dlaždice a vyrobené betonové ptaky.